ESG Post

Companies Decarbonisation

Infineon to share product carbon footprint data with customers

Infineon Technologies, a global leader in Semiconductors is all set to provide its customers with comprehensive Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) data. The PCF is the metric quantifying greenhouse gas emissions associated with an individual product.  The company is starting with sharing the PCF of half of the products in its portfolio and eventually plans to provide PCF data of all products to the customers.

By providing the PCF data, the company will help its customers make informed decisions to leverage additional potential for reducing emissions along the value chain. It will also grow its customer base by attracting such customers who want to increase transparency about their own carbon footprints.

Infineon will share more insights with customers at the upcoming PCIM trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany, from 11 to 13 June 2024. 

Elke Reichart, Member of the Management Board and Chief Digital and Sustainability Officer at Infineon said, “By providing comprehensive Product Carbon Footprint data, we are driving the vision of a net-zero society and empowering our customers to reduce carbon emissions even more effectively. Infineon is taking a leading role in carbon transparency by committing to include the entire product portfolio over the coming years.”

Infineon has developed its own methodology to calculate the Product Carbon Footprint, incorporating customer needs and best practices, as there are no established industry standards for the same. The methodology calculates emissions from raw materials and supplies, manufacturing processes, manufacturing partners and transportation to the customer. Thus, the PCF covers scope 1 and 2 emissions as well as scope 3 emissions from suppliers and manufacturing partners, all the way to the customer’s gate. The Product Carbon Footprint is expressed in kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (kg CO 2e).